Call for proposals for the 2025 Summer Institute
We are pleased to issue the call for proposals for the 2025 CGC Summer Institute, taking place in person June 11-13 at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. See details and guidelines here. Proposals are due by February 21, 2025, 11:59pm EST. Registration for all opens April 29.
Request for proposals for CGC Research Awards
The Consortium on Graduate Communication Research Awards aim to encourage research projects investigating graduate education, particularly graduate communication. By deepening our knowledge of graduate student development, graduate student communication, and the pedagogical and institutional supports for graduate students’ success, the CGC Research Awards are intended to strengthen the field of graduate communication support by helping to fund the research and scholarship of our members.
- Awards of up to $2500 each are available in two cycles closing on January 15 and July 15, 2025 respectively. Awards are open to all current CGC members.
- Funds may be used for a range of research needs, including transcription, travel to collect data or conduct archival research, specialized software purchases, compensation for research participants (consistent with the IRB approval), consultations, and more.
Click here for further information and guidelines for applying.
About the CGC
The Consortium on Graduate Communication is an international association whose members provide professional development in written, oral, and multimodal communication to students before and during their (post-)graduate academic and professional programs. CGC members work with graduate students in their first and second/additional languages.
CGC’s primary activities include face-to-face and online opportunities to discuss and share resources, pedagogy, research, curricula, and program models for graduate communication.
The Consortium was created in April, 2014, and its listserv and online membership survey quickly gathered over 500 members in at least 27 countries. On this website, you can find information about meetings, resources, and programs offering graduate communication support.
If you would like to host a CGC meeting at conference or other venue (perhaps outside North America!), please contact us. We are also interested in online communication, such as chats and webinars. As an entirely volunteer-run community, we welcome all expressions of interest.
Effective December, 2016, membership of CGC requires the payment of annual dues. Members receive a generous discount on CGC events, are eligible to vote in Board elections, and may stand for Board positions. Members are also supporting the graduate communication community. Please join now!
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